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General info and fees

It is important to us to create an event that meets the needs of the participants. Therefore, it's essential to us to discuss the expectations, needs and desires of the target group thouroughly when planning the event. We adapt our methods, the course/sequence and the content to the specific event, paying attention to details that influence the accessibility of an event (e.g. break times, methods with movement, volume, etc.).

We work mainly with (young) adults, but at the same time we are open to requests from the youth sector. Partly we offer workshops that are advertised publicly and where people come together once. Partly we create workshops for internal trainings, which are aimed at a closed group. The majority of our events are half-day or full-day workshops. Depending on the topic, we have also had positive experiences with short series of events (several short workshops) or weekend seminars.

During the pandemic, we started to offer workshops online as well. Now we can easily design a workshop online in addition to face-to-face formats. It is also possible to mix online and face-to-face formats for multi-module event series. Most of our team lives in Berlin, but we are also happy to travel to you for events! In our self-employment we pay taxes on our income and additionally some of us have high expenses for social insurances. In addition, our fees also cover preparation, follow-up work, any loss of fees as well as costs for training and continuing education. In order to have time for political engagement besides our educational work, we ask for a solidarity-based self-assessment of our clients regarding the fee. A good fee enables us to accompany groups and initiatives with few financial resources through our educational work. Therefore, please contact us even if you have fewer financial resources. We can certainly find a way to make an event happen anyhow.

More information from the education collective Stuhlkreisrevolte on good fee rates can be found here