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Gender and Sexuality

We live in a society with norms regarding gender and sexuality. That means some genders and sexualities are considered "normal" and can be lived without prejudice while others are constantly questioned. Genders and sexualities that do not conform to the norms in our society are often pathologized (regarded as a disease). Trans, inter, gay, bisexual, graysexual people, for example, share experiences of pathologization, stigmatization, and attempts to 'fit in'. These are just some of the experiences that can be further exacerbated by racism or sexism.


There are more than two genders and sexual and romantic attraction can also take many forms. In our society, however, people are categorized structurally and on a daily basis: For example, they are supposed to identify with one of two genders assigned to them at birth (cisgender norm), while also only being attracted to "the other gender" (heterosexual norm). If their bodies, their sexuality, their love, their identity or the way they present themselves to the outside world do not fit into these narrow categories, they are marked as "different" and often experience all kinds of discrimination. 


With our workshops, we want to educate about rigid norm about gender and sexuality. We want to advocate for more allyship, safety and diversity, so that one day all people can live together freely and self-determined. We offer various workshops on gender and sexuality. We can explore topics such as trans, inter, non-binary allyship or queer empowerment but also more specific topics like anti-queer hostility in far right ideologies.



Workshop Queer Allyship

Workshop "trans*, inter & non-binary!" - an introductory empowerment workshop