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Self-Care and Community Care

There is a growing awareness that activism can lead to overload and in some cases even to activist burnout. Under the catchword of "sustainable activism" or "self-care", there has been increasing discussion in recent years about how we as activists and committed individuals can be mindful of our personal boundaries while advocating for issues that we care for deeply. Increasingly, there is also a desire to view these issues around managing one's own boundaries and needs in a less individualized way and more as a collective responsibility in political contexts.

We offer workshops in this area that focus on individual possibilities for action as well as events that focus on the collective level. From the experience of our educational work, we recommend starting the discussion on an individual level with one's own limits and needs and to continue with further events on community care or care within an activist context.




Examples of workshops in this area:

Workshop "That Little Bit of Activism ...?" - Self-Care in everyday political life

Workshop "let's talk about caring communities" - about feel-good spaces, exclusions and ideas for collective support possibilities.