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Creative workshops

Our creative workshops focus not only on content, but also on a playful approach. What can we learn when we engage with queer biographies using archival materials such as photographs, diaries, or interview recordings? What kind of exchange space emerges when we sit down together to create zines and collages? What feelings and thoughts come up and out on paper when we come together in a writing workshop? On the other hand, what texts emerge when we work with microphones, that is, when we 'write to listen'? How do we work with soundscapes, original sounds and recorded texts in the creation of audio pieces? And what utopias and future perspectives can we imagine in these settings?


In these formats, participants can explore different approaches to topics, try things out, get creative, and have fun together. In addition, these workshops often encourage participants to examine themselves, but also to exchange ideas with others. Boundaries are explored in a playful way, new things are tried out and not only thought about, but also done.