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Our Team

Frede Krischan Macioszek (no pronouns, they/them)

has been active for several years in (loose) political contexts and as a reasearcher on gender and sexuality, health, vulnerability, and allyship. Krischan's focus areas include trans awareness; trans, inter, and non-binary allyship; and T(I)N empowerment. (Self‑)Care and Community Care are also (heartfelt) issues for him.


Krischan is a first-generation college student and co-edited the anthology Klassenfahrt (Class Trip) in 2022 with Julian Knop, in which personal and day-to-day situations demonstrate classism. Krischan has a post-East ‘Spätaussiedler*innen’ background and tries to make room for post-East issues in their political practice on the side. Krischan's main occupation is currently in the areas of sexual health and sexuality. When time allows, they enjoy listening to podcasts and being out in nature. Their podcast favorites include PostOstPride and Somewhere Over The Hay Bale.

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Bild_Julien Franke


Julien Franke (he/they)

Is white, defines themselves as an intersex and queer man, bi+ and lives polyamorously. For years Julien has been doing activism to educate about LGBTQIA+. For more than two years now, professionally as well. Julien's main concern is making the "I" more visible and thinking intersectionally.
In addition to their work, Julien enjoys drawing, sports, and writing - they wrote their first queer novel in 2018.

​Kalle Hümpfner (they/them)

has been working at life's a beach since 2016 on the topics of (self)care, radical softness, emotional labor and communication. Another focus of their work is awareness-raising and empowerment work for sexual and gender diversity. Critical perspectives on discrimination and power structures are an important starting point for Kalle's educational work.


For several years, Kalle has been active in various trans* activist contexts. Currently, Kalle works as senior policy officer at Bundesverband Trans*. Kalle is often out in nature, plays cards with enthusiasm and would like to go bouldering again one day.

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Bild_Lou Bela Houter
​Lou Bela Houter (no pronoun; they/them/their)

has been gathering experience in self-organizations and political education work since their youth - since the end of 2020 also with life's a beach. Thematically, Bela's work includes trans* awareness, queer empowerment, shame, and shared resistance/allyship (in multi-layered power relations).


In their work Bela is especially excited about open workshop formats, e.g., those with time to explore different materials/media by yourself; to produce something of your own, such as a text, a zine or an audio; or to be encouraged to empathize, share and connect using methods of biography work. Otherwise, Bela enjoys singing to themselves, likes numbers and spreadsheets, and learns new things in friendships, political practice and during their studies. Also, they laugh a lot.