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How does life's a beach work?

We mainly use interactive methods that connect participants with intuitive and emotional knowledge. We aim to initiate processes and slow developments rather than focusing on purely content-based knowledge transfer. We use activist, academic and practical, experience-based sources as inspiration.


In our workshops and lectures we try to create a learning space that is respectful, inclusive and accountable. This includes critically reflecting on what experiences, personalities, and identities are in the room, and how we behave within them. We aim to question structural discrimination and disadvantages not only in terms of content, but by creating a practice of openness and accountability in the way we work and the learning spaces we create. In this sense, we design spaces of exchange in which we aim to break down barriers and exclusions. At the same time, we as facilitators also have gaps in perception, are still learning and are grateful for your (critical) feedback.


Since we want our offers to be accessible to all participants, we are happy to consider your needs in our choice of methods: Be it large font, lots of/less movement, low-noise environment, longer break times, ... Feel free to let us know how we can best tailor our offer to you!


It is important to note that we are not offering mediation or conflict resolution, but are primarily providing educational opportunities. Please remember this when you inquire about a workshop.